Who We Are

The College of the Florida Keys Academy (CFK Academy) is a public charter school that provides highly motivated 9th - 12th grade students from throughout the Lower Keys with a distinctive experience, blending traditional high school coursework with collegiate coursework.

School Vision

Graduates of the CFK Academy embody the core values of academic excellence; personal achievement; community engagement; respect for individualism and diversity; and civic and environmental responsibilities as they pursue lifelong educational career and personal goals.

School Mission

The CFK Academy will meet the individual educational and life needs of students by providing high quality and innovative secondary and post-secondary education, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to succeed in a 21st century world.

CFK Academy Hours

7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 

Students should be dropped off between 7:15 a.m. - 7:25 a.m.

CFK Academy 2024-25 Calendar

Student Handbook

Student Progression Plan

Student Dress Code

The standards of dress and grooming in the Academy shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual, promote a positive educational environment, and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the school. Each student has the responsibility to dress appropriately. Appropriate student dress at the CFK Academy is workplace causal.  Academy students should not confuse this dress code with permission to wear workout clothes, lounge clothes, or pajamas to school.

  • Shirts and tops must extend over the waist; no skin may be exposed at the belly/waistline. Shoulder straps on garments must be at least 3 inches wide.
  • Underwear, boxers, or bras must be completely covered by outer clothing. Sagging pants that expose underwear are not allowed. All pants must be worn at the waist.

  • All shorts, dresses, or skirts may not be shorter than 6 inches above the knee. Pants with rips or holes higher than 6 inches above the knee (exposing skin) are prohibited.

  • Bandannas, articles of clothing that advertise or encourage the use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, or convey crude, vulgar, obscene, gang related, or sexually suggestive messages do not belong at school and are prohibited. 

  • If hooded garments are worn, the hood will remain down at all times.


Cellular Phones and Electronic Devices

Students may not use a wireless communication device during instructional time, except when expressly directed by a teacher solely for educational purposes. Cell phones, earbuds, and cellular watches are to remain in the students backpack or in the front office if a student down not have a backpack.  Cell phones may be used at lunch time.  During this time students will need to abide by the single earbud policy.  This policy is to ensure students are not using two earbuds simultaneously, which prevents them from hearing administration, teacher, or security directions.

Check In/Check Out Procedures

Arriving to school late or leaving school early is disruptive to the student’s educational process as well as being a disruption for the class from which he or she is entering or leaving. Students should get to school on time and appointments should be scheduled outside of normal school hours.

Any student arriving at school after the session has begun must report to Main Office. An admission slip shall be issued indicating an excused or unexcused tardy or absence.

Any student checking out prior to dismissal time must go to the Main Office to sign out. 

Community Service

Students are encouraged to undertake volunteer activities in Monroe County. Community service is defined as volunteer hours donated to a non-profit organization. Completion of a minimum number of service hours is one requirement of the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program as well as other scholarships. The community service form is posted on the school website under “For Students” and copies are also available in the front office.

Homework Policy

Regular, purposeful homework is an essential part of a student’s education. Homework is an integral factor in fostering the academic achievement of students and in extending school activities into the home and the community. Regular homework provides opportunities for developmental practice, drill, the application of skills already learned, the development of independent study skills, enrichment activities, and self-discipline. Homework should provide reinforcement and extension of class instruction and should serve as a basis for further study and preparation for future class assignments.  Student responsibilities include:

  • Completing assigned homework as directed in the spirt in which it was assigned.
  • Returning homework to the teacher by designated time.
  • Submitting homework assignments that reflect careful attention to detail and quality of work.


Honor Code

Each student is expected to uphold high standards of honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty can take place on a test, quiz, essay, term paper, lab report, or any form of creative expression. Academic dishonesty is defined as cheating, plagiarism, falsification or misrepresentation of data, unauthorized collaboration on individual assignments, tests, or exams or lying to a school official. This also includes the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to complete assignments or exams. Violation of the Honor Code may result in a zero for the test, assignment, or project, and parental notification of the violation.  Additional clarification of consequences will be found in the teacher’s course syllabus. 

ID Badges

Students will wear their Academy badge at all times.  Students will present the badge upon entering the Academy building.  Students without badges will be diverted to the office to call home.  Repeated instances of not wearing the student ID badge will be referred to the principal and appropriate consequences will be administered. 

Lunch and Off-Campus Lunch Privileges

Lunch will be brought in from a local school.  Lunch orders will be placed during the first class period via a Google form.

Lunch deliveries from restaurants or delivery companies are disruptive to the campus and are not allowed. Parents are welcome to bring lunch to the front office for their child during the scheduled lunch period.

Off campus lunch privileges are for junior and senior students who are in good standing, have a 2.0 GPA and good attendance. Students must complete the off-campus lunch privilege permission form and have it notarized. All rules and policies are outlined in the contract and must be complied with to keep the pass. Students may get their pass from the principal.

Pick Up and Drop Off

At the end of the school day, students are released at a specified time and place and are expected to go directly home. Car riders should be picked up immediately in the school’s designated area.  Student drivers will be dismissed from the backside of the school. 


Academy student drivers must register vehicles with the office manager.  Student drivers must show their driver’s license and proof of insurance to receive a parking decal. Parking spots are offered on a first come, first served basis. All rules and procedures are outlined in the Student Parking Contract which must be signed and returned to the Office Manager. The school reserves the right to examine all Academy student vehicles parked on school property. The Academy is not responsible for any damage incurred to student vehicles parked on school property.

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy

The Academy is committed to providing an educational setting that is safe, secure, and free from harassment and bullying for all students and school employees. The Academy will not tolerate bullying and harassment of any type. Conduct that constitutes bullying and harassment, as defined herein, is prohibited:

A. during any education program or activity conducted by the Academy

B. during any school-related or school-sponsored program or activity 

C. through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer, computer systems, or computer network of the Academy.

 Please see full Student handbook for more detailed information.


Textbooks, Chromebooks, Laptops, and library books are the property of CFK Academy and are available for checkout for enrolled students. 

Textbooks, Chromebooks, and/or laptops are assigned by the teacher in support of the curriculum.  This includes core and supplemental reading novels.  Students are responsible for the materials checked out on their library/textbook record.  Students are expected to keep the materials checked out to them in acceptable condition.  Students are expected to review books issued to them for damages.  Any damage to or graffiti in the book needs be reported immediately.

All textbooks, Chromebooks, and/or laptops are to be returned by the end of the school year, when a student is no longer enrolled in the class for which the material has checked out. Students are expected to pay the replacement cost of lost books and/or books that are damaged beyond repair and/or that cannot be reissued to another student.  Students who return books with damage and/or graffiti that is capable of being repaired and reissued will be charged a repair fee commensurate with the damage incurred.


Anonymous Reporting

FortiyFl is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. https://getfortifyfl.com 

Student Rights and Responsibilities

STUDENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO: a meaningful curriculum that shall meet their immediate and future needs; voice their opinions in the development of their curriculum; pursue their education under competent instruction; take part in in-school (instructional) activities and to decide if they want to take part in after-school (extracurricular) activities. 

STUDENTS HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO: attend all classes regularly and on time; contribute to the total classroom and school atmosphere in a manner that keeps it wholesome and conducive to learning; complete all classroom assignments and meet requirements for all class objectives; respect the rights of others and to respect the views and backgrounds of those different from their own; meet the approved criteria required for participation in instructional and extracurricular activities; classroom and school rules and procedures.