The information and rates provided apply to the current academic year and are subject to change based on legislative and internal policy change.

Application Fee

There is a $30 application fee that covers the costs of processing the application. This fee applies to credit and audit students, whether full-time or part–time, day or evening. The application fee is not refundable or transferable.

Tuition & Fees

Required tuition fees are established by The College of the Florida Keys District Board of Trustees under State Board of Education regulations. In accordance with Florida statutes, 6% of tuition and matriculation fees are placed in a scholarship fund.

Fees per Credit Hour:

Credit Programs
Advanced and Professional Postsecondary and Vocational College Preparatory

  Resident Nonresident
Tuition 82.78 331.11
Technology Fee 4.14  16.56
Financial Aid Fee  4.14  16.56
Student Activity Fee  8.28  8.28
Capital Improvement Fee  9.88 66.22
Total per credit hour  109.22  438.73


Fees per Credit Hour:

Credit Programs

  Resident Nonresident
Tuition 91.79 448.79
Technology Fee 4.59 22.44
Financial Aid Fee 4.59 22.44
Student Activity Fee 9.18  9.18
Capital Improvement Fee 18.35 89.75
Total per credit hour 128.50 592.60


Noncredit Programs:

Postsecondary Adult Vocational

  Resident Nonresident
Tuition 73.40 293.59
Technology Fee 3.67 14.68
Financial Aid Fee 7.34 29.36
Capital Improvement Fee 3.67 14.68
Total per credit hour 88.08 352.31

Laboratory Fees

Courses may include laboratory or special fees in addition to tuition fees. Fees vary based on activities conducted and equipment used. Fees may include but are not limited to; equipment maintenance and replacement cost, travel expenses for fuel, hotel, car rental and airfare; admissions fees to museums, parks, and charter boats; vessel use and maintenance cost; disposable and non-disposable supplies; and lab technicians. Lab and special fees are listed below by summary and by section or program.

Summary of Lab Fees 2024-25

Biology Lab Fees

Chemistry Lab Fees

Computer Science Lab Fees

Craft Arts Lab Fees

Culinary Program Lab Fees

Dive Business Technology Lab Fees

EMT Paramedic and CNA Lab Fees

Engineering Technology Lab Fees

Fine Arts Lab Fees

Marine Engineering Mgmt and Seamanship Lab Fees

Marine Environmental Technology Lab Fees

Marine Resource Management Lab Fees

Nursing - AS Program Lab Fees

Photography Lab Fees

Physics Lab Fees

RN to BSN Lab Fees

Student Life Skills Lab Fees

Welding Lab Fees

Basic Law Enforcement Lab Fees – 19 minimum

Basic Law Enforcement Lab Fees – 11 minimum

CrossOver Lab Fees – 8 minimum

Corrections Lab Fees – 8 minimum

Exceptional Student Education Lab Fees

ENG1300 Writing About Film Lab Fee


Student Activities Fee

A fee of 10% of the matriculation fee is allocated toward student activity expenses.


Deferment of Fees for Qualified Veterans

Under the provisions of Florida Law, any eligible veteran or other person who wishes to pursue an approved program of education or training within the meaning of Chapter 34 Title 38 United States Code at any institution within the State University System or Community College System shall be allowed one (1) deferment for the payment of registration fees each academic year. This is considered to be the 12-month period commencing on the first day of regular registration of the term for which the eligible veteran is requesting deferment. No deferment can be longer than sixty (60) days from the beginning of the term or up to ten (10) days prior to the end of the term (last day of final examination) whichever is shorter. The deferment shall be available on the first day of registration for the term of enrollment. No eligible person who has received a deferment and who has failed to pay the deferred fee will be allowed to re-enroll until such indebtedness is satisfied, nor will transcripts be forwarded to another institution. Failure to pay by the designated due date may result in the account being sent to collections. Full repayment is due whether or not the Veteran receives his VA benefits. No deferment shall be granted to an eligible person who has received advanced or prepaid educational benefits from the Veterans Administration.

Non-Credit Fees

For fees concerning Post-Secondary Adult Vocational, Continuing Workforce Education, Lifelong Learning, and Recreation and Leisure please contact the Office of Continuing Education at

(305) 809-3185.


Refunds of 100% will be made until the close of business on the last day of late registration as listed in the catalog (the date coincides with the last day to drop courses). The refund policy is subject to change without notice and may vary according to course and duration.

Students whose registration is canceled by official college action will be entitled to full refund of tuition and laboratory fees.

To receive a refund for college credit courses that do not follow the academic calendar, students must withdraw prior to the second class meeting. In the case of college credit courses that have four (4) or fewer meetings, the student must withdraw prior to the first class meeting in order to be eligible for a full refund.

Students withdrawing from non-credit courses consisting of three (3) or fewer class meetings must withdraw before the first class meeting to receive a 100% refund. If a non-credit course consists of more than three (3) class meetings, the student must withdraw before the second class meeting to receive a full refund.

Students who register beyond the last day to change courses will not be eligible for a refund. An official withdrawal form must be completed by students requesting a refund.

Exceptions to the Established Refund Policy

The CFK Student Services Appeals Committee may grant an exception if one of the following criteria is met and appeal is submitted timely and in writing: 

  • Serious illness. 

  • Documented medical condition preventing completion. 

  • Death of an immediate family member (father, mother, sister, brother). 

  • Involuntary call to active military duty. 

  • Documented change in conditions of employment (must be initiated by employer).

Special fees

The following special non-refundable fees will be added to the regular matriculation and tuition fee when applicable:

  • Application Fee …….$30.00
  • Credit or Exemption by Examination (per semester hour)…….$20.00
  • Credit by Institutional Exam – Nursing (per semester hour)…….$7.00
  • Diploma Fee …….$25.00
  • Transcript Fee ……. Varies based on delivery method.