The Tuga is the face of CFK athletics and is a source of collegiate spirit for students, alumni, employees, friends, fans, and the community. Appearances by Shel the Tuga via a performer in the mascot costume attract engagement with and build affinity toward the College.

The College of the Florida Keys adopted Shel the Tuga as its official mascot in 2021 following the College’s name change from Florida Keys Community College and rebranding in 2019. Tuga is an abbreviation of “Tortuga,” the Spanish word for turtle. The fictional sea turtle sports CFK’s colors with an Ocean Blue body and a Sunset Orange shell. 

Like sea turtles in the wild, CFK student and alumni Tugas play fundamental roles in the health of coral reef, seagrass, and other ecosystems. With powerful jaws and an armor-like shell, Tugas are formidable and tough. And while nearly all species of sea turtles are endangered, they have existed on Earth for more than 100 million years.The strength and resiliency of the Tugas’ real-life counterparts reflect the spirit and tenacity of the student body of our small island college.

If you would like to become an integral role in our school spirit and pride by becoming a mascot performer or handler, please fill out the applications below and email the forms to

You must be a CFK student or employee to become a mascot performer and you must be a CFK employee to become a handler or to request an event appearance.